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Bravado, like innocence
Bleeds into the blue sunlight
Winking like a harlot
Calling like a sirenThe time of posing
Assuming a will of iron
A Lance-like determination
Is exposed for what it is
The intruder is sentient
With its own brilliant design
Co-opting gene, cell and marrow
To its truly iron will
The host has been awakened
The interloper revealed
In lumps, scans, and slides
For the quiet, genius of its plan
It speaks to me now
In even, measured tones
Of mutually assured destruction
Of its own inevitable death
As my counterattack forms its lines
Each cut goes deeper than the last
Biopsy, marrow sample, mediport
Pain a direct line of communication
There is no victimless war
No surgical bombing campaign
The casualties will surely mount
And all my treasures will be at risk
Sitting in the corner room
Of the Inn at Castle Hill
Where we celebrated liberty
Over lobster hash and jazz
Where we celebrated marriage
Over asthma and divided children
I can look straight ahead
Out the west-facing window
And watch the sun set
In rose-colored harmony
With the azure sky
And the steady channel waters
I can turn to my left
Feeling the lump on my clavicle
And look to the southwest
At the black clouds of evening
Swallowing the bruised sun
Into a wine dark sea
Vantage is everything
We can marvel at the rose
We can grieve the bruise
We can live with both truths
Of what is changed and lost
Of what is possibility and gift
There are moments in our lives
Of contrived or manufactured transition
The wedding, the prom, the New Year's party
When things might change forever
Or they might offer more of the same
As I walk down my office stairs
Down to the streets of Brockton
I know I will never return here
The same man in mind or body
That part of me will go no matter
I am already a member
Of a new class of people
Even before I take on
The familiar talismans of disease
Yellow wristbands and shaven heads
Billboards and radio spots cry out
The siren calls of my new brethren
The survivors and the fallen and the families
Like proud, fellow owners
Of a new car I just bought
What I can save of myself
And what is worth saving
What will return to this building
And what must fade away
Is the essence of the battle
The perfect cup of coffee
The kind with the leaf
Etched implausibly in the foam
Sits drained at my table
And I almost grieve its passing
Leaving the tiny Cambridge cafe
I pause at the door too long
Protecting this indulgent interlude
As I do each solitary drop
Of fading normalcy
But it's all interlude already
And it's all indulgence
The notion that any moment
Can be seized and held
Is both illusory and arrogant
I follow the highway south
Familiar landmarks sail away
And strange rooms come into view
In buildings that replace the known
With conjectures of destiny
The labyrinth of hospital wings
Navigated confidently
With subconscious efficiency
PET scan films collected
An exit with speed and stealth
Bifurcation and ambivalence
Are the rule of the day
Holding back the passage of time
In one moment
Only to will it on faster in the next
I was born on the Feast day
Of my namesake
Another reluctant hero
Whose name meant crown
Stephanos said the Greeks
I imagine his reluctance
In the way he wore his crown
Cross askew and awkward
Eyes set in sadness and disbelief
At the barbarism of his people
Yet there he stood firmly
At the gates of Vienna
At the dawn of the second Millenium
And defiantly told the Ottomans
You shall not pass
Even the pagan Magyars
His flesh and blood
Who resisted conversion
Were worthy of his protection
And ultimately, mercy
Who is to say of what I'm made
Merely by dint of a name
A birth date, not a birthright
Yet here I stand at my own gates
Worthy in my defiance.

A new use of an old and trusted word
That conjures images of fireplaces
Of winter nights and marshmallows
Of picture frames and garlands
Dinner parties and solitude
Or a part of the Earth
That seems imaginary but isn't
The protective layer
Between crust and core
Keeping us from melting
Or perhaps it should be
A garment of power
Worn by feudal lords
Cardinals, popes, and knights
With entitlement or reluctance
Now a cell among many
Fueled by rogue genetics
Assuming the purple mantle of power
Between my crust and my core
With entitlement, not reluctance.
DreadnoughtConjures images of battleshipsWith HMS and carved figureheadsPendants and signals flapping gallantlyAs she cuts a steady pathThrough the chop of some foreign seaFear nothingIs what it meansIn that uniquely British wayOf dressing up something difficultTo sound noble and innateLike stiff upper lipsDread mortalityIs what my mind tells meThrough the pit in my stomachAnd the look in her eyesThe squeeze of my doctor’s handAs he bid me good luckFear ignoranceIs what I must live byNot fear of what I knowThat all things passEven and especially meExcept what we give to others.
Trudging through the woodsLimbs bent over under the new snow’s weight
As if bowing to some unseen god
Certainly not me, barely competent in snowshoesI lose the trail again, or it loses me
And I trace the power lines down to the open field
Flinching at the crackle of each breaking branch
Past the defrocked priory I pick up my pace
Swinging my arms rhythmicallyI approach the first approximation
Of the Stations of the Cross
Although there’s little sign of suffering here
Only silence and spooked deer
Descending to the river
I follow them, unsure of the trail
And the future that awaits
Trusting in the truth of the river
Black and alive as it flowsIce clogged to Wellesley and beyondI break my gaze and let it let go of me
Steeling myself for another ascent.

November light bathes the trail in artifice
Illusory brightness and warmthDeceiving the hopeful journeyman
Into fantasies of life and health
When a 4:30 sunset is all that awaits him
Standing before the shaving mirror
He could imagine he merely sees jowls
The price of middle age
Rather than the swollen lymph nodes
Now riddling his body from neck to groinIs it the power to trick himselfImagining an early sunset is not inevitable
Or is it the power to compartmentalize
To bathe in light now rather than fear darkness
That will save him from himself